Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christ Massacre?


Why December 25th? 
How does Santa do it?
Why From the North Pole?


Solar Analemma!

 Because of the Earth's annual revolution around the Sun in an orbit that is elliptical and tilted relative to the plane of the equator, an observer at a fixed point on the Earth sees the Sun appear to move in an analemma around a mean position, taking a year to do so. This was important when the main method of time keeping were sundials.

What does this have to do with December 25th? Well at the end of the Medievel Time the prince of this world, wanting to enslave all humanity through commerce, established his rule in the City State of The Vatican. Through Pope Gregory XIII, he established the Jesuit order in 1550 and in 1582 the Gregorian calendar (adopted world-wide with the ISO 8601 standard).

7th President, born 1767, died 1829. Grand Master of Tennessee, 1822-23. His lodge is unknown but he is said to have attended at Clover Bottom Lodge under the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. He was present in lodge at Greeneville in 1801 and acted as Senior Warden pro tem. The records of St. Tammany Lodge No. 29 at Nashville, which became Harmony Lodge No. 1 under the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, show that Jackson was a member.
The Vatican-Jesuit-Masonic network.
Throughout the world Jesuit missions were established (first in the Territories controlled by Spain, Portugal, France, and the United Kingdom) to teach "civilize" the conquered indigenous savages, the Vatican calendar and associated commerce. The mission bells were rung, based on sundial times, before mechanical time pieces were available, to ensure the savages were working to support the missions' "commerce".

All sundials at all latitudes south of the arctic circle sync one time a year at solar Noon on the 0-180 Degree North-South line on December 25th, on the Gregorian Calendar (see the image below). Since the conquered indigenous savages often had various celebrations at this time of year. The prince of this world through the Vatican chose this date to celebrate his greatest victory over humankind. Known to him as "Christ Massacre" and uses this celebration to support his human slavery commerce system.

From Arctic Circle to the North Pole The Sun does not rise from December 21 to December 25. For those who keep time with a sundial (Santa is the legendary resident of this region) is in darkness and timeless at that time(sic). That's why Santa can work his magic and support the one who deceives the whole world with his human slavery commerce system from the North Pole.

Are you enslaved to the calendar, time, and money? Chances are you, along with the whole world, have been deceived and are enslaved by the prince of this world. It is written " And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues."

I hope this post helps you to stop and think... Why do I celebrate this holiday? Where did these strange traditions and story's come from and why? Am I ready to separate myself from this human slavery commerce system, and accept the ridicule that comes with coming out of it?

We all have our own path to walk. Walk your walk with integrity, truth and joy! Blessings to you and yours. Remember...

For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are.

"Prepare the way of Yahweh in the wilderness! Make a level highway in the desert for our God."

a voice of one who calls out in the wilderness.